This project is an exploration of the potential of the word Invisible with design. To investigate the meaning in denotation and connotation and deliver two separate artworks. To deliver it in a suitable context to manifest its potential in a practical manner.
Invisible is a word of conflict, once spoken about it— it reveals itself. For this reason, I wrote my story symbolized to convey "invisibility" meaning a layer at a time. Because I started complex, studying the word in connotation first was the way to tackle the message. I was inspired by a verse in a Shakespearian play which says:
"Doth all the winter time, at still midnight / Walk round about an oak, with great ragg'd horns.",
So the Deer was my focal point. Together with Rene Magritte's paintings in the back of my mind, I composed a poster with the Deer as the point of interest and other elements, which to me, are symbols of all that invisible around us—only in limitations:
The Octagon - the essence, the set of attributes which make the entity what it is.
Tee Trunks - Representative of the forest, the hiding place.
Wavy Strokes - Unseen, yet heard to certain extent, sound.
Clouds - Withering away at once, foggy, hardly grasped.
Violet Ellipse - Ultra violet, the limit of human sight.
Choices of color, scale, format are means to serve the in-print experience. Which I took an advantage of to create the denotational piece:
Lastly, from print to digital and in another context; as a promotional interactive webpage video. In addition to the format change, audio and animation were added.
I go to woods— alone,
when I'm alone I can become invisible.
I can hear
the almost unhearable sound—
Your message will
be fulfilled soon.
be fulfilled soon.